I like Dunedin – been there before a couple of times for conferences.  It’s a university city with interesting shops, a big harbour (but shallow) and an extensive peninsula nearby.  The accumulated brainboxes were having their degree celebrations on the day we arrived, so there were a lot of parents in smart suits, and graduates in academic gowns wafting about.  Interestingly some kept their gowns on for the weekend, which was quite nice I thought, showed they were proud of what they did.  The first time I graduated I kept it on for the morning and felt proud.  The other 2 times I didn’t bother turning up to the ceremony.

The place is full of scottish street names and places.  The town itself is supposed to be a small Edinburgh (Dun – Edin), and, since I went to school there I found a lot of familiarity with the architecture and the attitudes – it feels relatively genteel.  I wouldn’t mind returning one day.

R Burns esq featured prominently in the main street, as you might imagine.  And there were a lot of churches.

We couldn’t find any accommodation in the city because of graduation, so went out to Portobello and stayed in a modern motel room with a view over the harbour, a spa, a balcony and peace.  After the awful Omaru BnB we deserved it.


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