Golden Bay, on the NW tip of S island, is a gem of a place.  You go past the commercialisation of the Abel Tasman National Park, over a mountain range, and come down into this fertile plain running in a huge arc up to Farewell Spit, backed by mountains.

Originally it was a goldrush place (hence the name), and there are numerous diggings left behind – characterised by these piles of stones made as the miners took rocks out of the creek beds to pan for gold.  There’s still gold to be had – a couple of jewellers left over from the hippy days and now running a successful if laid back business showed us gold nuggets they melt and make into jewellery.

The valley was discovered in the 70’s by those wanting an alternative lifestyle.  Most of them have now grown up and either moved on or got jobs.  The result is a remarkable number of artisans, many making really nice pottery, sculpture etc.  And still a few communes left – ironically now sitting on a fortune as the land values have gone up.

Finally the valley was settled by various nationalities, including a lot of germans.  Road signs are occasionally in English and German.

Nice spot, might go back one day.  Very laid back.


  1. indeed our favourite part of NZ is this north west corner of south island. Golden bay was originally called murderers bay by tasman ‘cos thats where (in 1642) maoris killed a few dutch sailors and tasman fled – leaving it to Cook 120 years later to claim it for brits – hooray! (as that meant we could work there – cos english speaking)

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